Postgraduate Studies

 Hi everyone, I hope you're all fine!. Today I'm going to talk about the postgraduate studies that I would like to make when I finish architecture.

Today I'm on my fourth semester, but since the first day I knew that I would like to study landscaping as a specialty, because I love nature and design, so landscaping is perfect to me. Despite all the above I don't rule out study other things, like interior design or town planning, because I still have a long way to go on my career, also I hope to study several postgraduate degrees to complement my knowledge.

I've always like to live in different cities , because I love to learn about different cultures and languages. I would like to study my specialty in Copenhague, Denmark. Because they are one of the best countries on design and really care for the environment,  also they're excellent at connecting the nature with buildings because the landscaping is very important to them.

When I get that knowledge I would like to go back to Chile and apply it on the vulnerable communes, because they are deprived of good green areas, and that is really unfair. Green areas make the life better, because help fight pollution, improve emocional well-being and physical health, promote social gathering, and generates environmental awareness. So everyone should have access to a good green area.


  1. I agree with you, green areas improve the quality of life of people, it is incredible the impact that can make on our physical and emotional health, I wish you much success :)


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