
English subject

Hi everyone! I hope you're fine today. In this blog I'm going to talk about the English subject. I was in Hispano Británico School, and there how you can notice by the name, the English was very important, in fact we had a different system that others schools. We had three levels of English, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced.  I was in the intermediate level, but my teacher thought me that I had a lot of potential so she called my parents and insisted that they let me go on an exchange. So I went to Harrow House International Collage for a month and I really improved my English. At university I just had to take English four, and it was really fun, because I haven't taken an english course in a while so I missed it.  About the blogs that I been writing, I think that they helped me to improve my grammar, and learn new words, so I'm glad that I had to write them. I still have a lot to learn so I plan to keep writing but just for myself so I can get better with th

My hobby

Hi everyone, I hope you're fine today.  In this entry I will write about my hobby. Well the hobby that I do at my free time is to read books, now I'll write five question's and answer them in the post. When did I begin to read as a hobby? Which book is my favorite? What genders do I like? How often do I read? Which book am I reading now? I always like to read, since I was little I enjoyed, but when I was ten years old I began to read books as a hobby. The book that made me wanted to keep reading after school it was "Verónica, the bionic girl". I liked it so much and that si why I read it five times in a month. After that my mom realiced that it was a bit rare that I didn't stop reading the same book over and over, so she took me to the bookstore to buy me some new books. I have read so many books that I can't choose one as my favorite, but I always remember one in particular, called "Before I fall" by Lauren Oliver. It is about a girl who died in

Changes to my study programme

Hi everyone! How are you doing?. Today I'm going to write about some changes I would like to do to my study programme and faculty facilities. As you know I study arquitecture at Chile University on FAU campus and it is important you know that the faculty have a lot of infraestructure problems.  Well, I would reduce direct hours because we spend all day on the campus, we get to our homes late at night and we still have a lot to do for the workshop or theoretical courses. This year I took a cross course called territorial views on vulnerability and housing inequality, and I think that this course should be mandatory in the curriculum not just optional because is very important to know about the reality of our country and how can we make a change as architects. I would add a new CFG  that teaches freehand drawing and graphic representation techniques, because  the workshops teachers take for granted that we all know those things but most of the students don't. At last but not less

Postgraduate Studies

 Hi everyone, I hope you're all fine!. Today I'm going to talk about the postgraduate studies that I would like to make when I finish architecture. Today I'm on my fourth semester, but since the first day I knew that I would like to study landscaping as a specialty, because I love nature and design, so landscaping is perfect to me. Despite all the above I don't rule out study other things, like interior design or town planning, because I still have a long way to go on my career, also I hope to study several postgraduate degrees to complement my knowledge. I've always like to live in different cities , because I love to learn about different cultures and languages. I would like to study my specialty in Copenhague, Denmark. Because they are one of the best countries on design and really care for the environment,  also they're excellent at connecting the nature with buildings because the landscaping is very important to them. When I get that knowledge I would like

My future job

 Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk about my dream job. Since I was little I loved maths, and I was really good at it. Also I liked drawing (I'm still not that good at it) and I used to read a lot too. So after a lot of thinking and research, I found my dream job and. I wanted to be an architect. How I imagine to be an architect, is working on my own studio with my colleagues, winning big projects, and also making social projects to help people. I would have to travel a lot going to different countries with variety of culture and to learn new ideas for make better buildings. I would have to get a decent salary to afford my travels and a full life with not so much luxuries. My major would be landscape architect, because I love nature and work with it, and I could help to the care, for example, making sustainable projects. I also would like to be a university teacher because I believe that an architect has the power through his work to make the life of many people more conforta

The best Holidays ever

 Hi everyone, I'm Melanie and this is my first post, so here we go. Today I'm going to write about my 2020 vacations. Well, I'm from Iquique so I spent most of the summer there with my family, but at the end of February my boyfriend invited me to Villa Rica with his parents and his two brothers. We went there for a week and it was amazing, we went to the geometric hot springs and we really connected with nature. We also visited the house of some friends of my boyfriend's parents on lake Caburga and it was really fun, they had like a small balcony over the lake and we jump from it to the lake, it was like eight meters high. We had a really good time with a lot of sun, beautiful landscapes, delicious food and very good company. After that week we came back with my boyfriend to Santiago and my parents gave me for birthday present a travel to Disney for the four of us. We went to Orlando for eight days and it was very fun because we visited Universal Parks where are my favo